Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Facebook Makes Money, Hits Member Milestone...

Long before his "jackass" turn at the VMAs, Kanye West was allowed to style a shoot for the October issue of Elle.
The result is a spread featuring his girlfriend, model Amber Rose, in crotch and ass-baring poses and "body conscious" clothing.

Amber tells the magazine she is "not like his Barbie" and cites their clash over what she should wear to the 125th Anniversary Gala of the Met in March as evidence.
Kanye wanted her to wear a gown to the formal event;
Amber opted for a white cocktail dress with a thigh-high slit.

"I didn't want to wear a long gown," Amber told the magazine.
"So then we get to the Met and everybody has a long gown.
I was like, great. I didn't know what the Met was!"

LBN-SEE IT:.....Aretha Franklin
After sparking a fashion frenzy with her big-bowed Inauguration headgear,
Queen of Soul rocked another fabulous chapeau while walking on her own power near Central Park on Monday.


It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government.
Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. (1788)

The first reviews of Jay Leno's return to NBC - in primetime - are in and by all accounts, the only really new thing about the show is its time slot.
Translation-"Hand me the remote."
I predict Leno will find a way to change this quick cause he's a smart, survivor.

Facebook Makes Money, Hits Member Milestone
By Brian Kraemer, ChannelWeb
5:23 PM EDT Tue. Sep. 15, 2009

For social networks, being popular and making money haven't yet come hand in hand, which is why Facebook's revelation that it hit another member milestone and is making money is a boast to which you might want to pay attention.

Facebook, the popular social networking site, revealed that it is now home to
300 million users worldwide and, importantly, is cash-flow-positive for the first time.

"As of today, Facebook now serves 300 million people across the world.
It's a large number, but the way we think about this is that we're just getting started on our goal of connecting everyone," Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, wrote in a blog post.

The milestone of 300 million users comes quickly on the heels of the last publicly announced number, 250 million users, which Facebook hit on July 15.

Of course, Facebook isn't alone in its growth, with Twitter also seeing huge growth as more people begin to adopt the service for business as well as personal means.

Moore's 'Capitalism' Not a 'Love Story,' a Call for Revolt
Published: September 15, 2009

In “Capitalism: A Love Story,” documentarian and overall troublemaker Michael Moore takes on the economic system that underpins the Western world -- and rejects it.

“Capitalism is an evil,” he states at the end of the film, in case there were any ambiguity about his point of view.
“You have to eliminate it and replace it with something.”

People will differ as to whether his critique is a cogent one.
Over at the Wall Street Journal, they are not planning a screening for the editorial board.

Moore is not an economist.
But he is a very shrewd filmmaker.

For however much the financial world may dismiss Moore’s analysis (and you can count on that), the filmmaker is a master at tapping into public outrage, consistently finding the lever – humor, at its best – to offer a culprit for widely-felt dissatisfaction.

This time, it’s the entire system – Adam Smith, the profit motive, Gordon Gekko’s greed-is-good – that Moore condemns for having, in his view, subverted democracy and converted it into a “plutonomy,” an economy run by a few rich people on the backs of the working poor and ever-shrinking middle class.

This is pretty close to national heresy. Here in America, capitalism is celebrated as being at the core of our national identity.
Isn't that why the Commies lost?

Moore says it’s not.
Capitalism, he says, is antithetical to democracy.
He even finds a priest who calls it “radically evil.”
(Of course, that priest is in Flint, where everybody’s out of work. )

In this film, Moore stages fewer stunts than usual, although he does put crime scene tape around J.P. Morgan on Wall Street.

But he finds angry people who make his point for him.
A family being turned out of their home after 22 years because of a predatory loan.
A widow who learned that her dead husband’s company took out a policy on him that is actually referred to as “dead peasants” insurance.

Moore’s timing is good.
With millions unemployed, the middle class a shrunken shadow of itself, with the car industry on federal life support, and housing foreclosures sweeping the country, it may be more surprising that Moore is the first prominent voice on the media landscape to challenge the basic premise of our economy.

At the press conference after the initial Toronto screening, Moore was asked with what he would replace capitalism.

“I’m not an economist,” he said.
“I’m a filmmaker who sees something he doesn’t like… I think we can do better.
It’s not capitalsim versus socialism, or communism.
In the 21st century, aren’t we smart enough to come up with something better than we have now?”

Moore’s film reprises the familiar wealth disparity that has become shockingly acceptable in recent decades, the fact that one percent of the population holds 95 % of the country’s wealth.

The film highlights other indicators of economic disparity that have worsened in recent years – bankruptcy rising, debt on an upward spike, wages staying even while productivity climbs higher (this courtesy of the Reagan years).

“Greed is the dark side of human nature,” Moore said at the news conference.
“Capitalism is not a moral code that keeps greed in check. “

Moore said that he is supposed to do the rounds of talk shows to talk about his new film, but that some shows (he wouldn’t name them) were afraid of offending their advertisers with the filmmaker’s views.

He’ll be more welcome, no doubt, when he shows the film at an AFL-CIO convention this week.

Overture will be taking the film out on more than 2,000 screens, hoping it will ignite the same kind of response as “Fahrenheit 9-11,” Moore’s controversial examination of the government’s response to Osama Bin Laden.

That one was incendiary.
But this is the closest Moore gets to fomenting class revolt.
“I refuse to live in a country like this," Moore says in the film.
"And I’m not leaving.”

Lily Allen was named Woman of the Year by the
UK version of GQ.

The British singer was so excited she took off her clothes for the accompanying photo shoot in the October issue of the lad mag.

There are actually three covers for the magazine, the other two feature Take That and Mickey Rourke.
Which would you buy?