Thursday, August 20, 2009

Andy Roddick's Brooklyn Decker All Decked OUT......!!!!

***Prominent celebrity portrait artist and famed photographer Dick Zimmerman has signed with Hollywood P.R. firm LCO for media representation. Zimmerman, who did the photography for Michael Jackson's iconic Thriller album, is promoting his homage painting to Michael Jackson.
***The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences is going to need a new PR firm, with the Lippin Group resigning the account after a 12-year run.
Agency head Dick Lippin notified the academy that the agency would honor its contract through the end of the year and the upcoming Emmy Awards ceremony.

Lippin, jLINE Team on Branding Project
Public relations firm The Lippin Group is partnering with The jLINE Group to expand Lippin’s branding initiative “Brand2Hollywood,” the companies announced.

The Lippin Group’s focus with Brand2Hollywood is to bring together possible sponsors with potential branding possibilities through media outlets and vice versa, such as finding branding opportunities for the NAACP Image Awards or the ALMA Awards, said Dick Lippin, chairman and chief executive officer of the Lippin Group.

“What we are offering is a low financial cost of entry for companies to be associated with Hollywood and the ability to shape a marketing campaign that achieves heightened brand visibility in the process,” he said.

The new Brand2Hollywood unit, announced yesterday, will be mainly headed up by Lippin’s Jennifer Price and Alex Lippin, as well as jLINE’s JL Pomeroy.

While it’s not currently tied to the Brand2Hollywood unit, Mr. Lippin didn’t discount the future possibility of using the unit to set up product integration into programming.

Public relations is mainly about a network of relationships, Mr. Lippin said.
He added that this initiative is simply a natural evolution of the work Lippin and jLINE have already been doing.

***Disney and director Robert Zemeckis( above ) are negotiating to remake
Yellow Submarine, the 1968 psychedelic animated film based on the music of
The Beatles.

.....Brooklyn Decker, ( above and below below )the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model who married
Andy Roddick ( below )in April strips down for this month's GQ and talks about how she met the tennis superstar.....

By KARL MARX: ( above )
History is not like some individual person, which uses men to achieve its ends.
History is nothing but the actions of men in pursuit of their ends. (1845)

***With the Woodstock 40th anniversary in the spotlight this year, Legendary Pictures is mounting a feature film about Jimi Hendrix, whose perf of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was a seminal moment of the original 1969 fest.
Legendary topper Thomas Tull would produce the pic with Bill Gerber.
Penning the script is Max Borenstein, who most recently wrote "What Is Life Worth?," a fact-based script about attorney Kenneth Feinberg and his work on the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

***Total revenue at Barnes & Noble fell 5.3% in the second quarter ended August 1, to $1.16 billion.
Sales at B&Ns stores fell 5% in the quarter, to $1.0 billion, with same store sales off 6.9%;
B&N had expected comp sales to fall between 5% and 7% in the period.
Sales at Barnes & improved after a weak first quarter, increasing 2%, to $102 million. Net income from continuing operations fell 26.8%, to $12.3 million.

***A year after completely scrapping a 500-page follow-up to Eat, Pray, Love,
Elizabeth Gilberts ( ABOVE ) mega-best-selling spiritual travelogue, she has delivered a new book that Viking will publish in January.
Titled Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage, the book is a memoir of a tumultuous year that came 18 months after Eat, Pray, Love leaves off, as well as a meditation on wedlock.
Ms. Gilbert, 40, said the book, which recounts how she came to marry the Brazilian-born Australian lover she met in Indonesia in Eat, Pray, Love, was not just a straightforward memoir of what happened and how she felt about it.

Eight years ago I wrote a book called "Stupid White Men."
In that book, I wrote a chapter entitled "Idiot Nation."
I think that says it all.
Sad, sad, sad.

Amid all the controversies over medical care, no one seems to be asking a very basic question:
Why does it take more than 1,000 pages of legislation to insure people who lack medical insurance?

I always now think of a good president as sitting at the big desk and reaching out with his long arms and holding on to the left, and holding on to the right, and trying mightily to hold it together, letting neither spin out of control, holding on for dear life.
I wish we were seeing that. I don't think we are.

It was an abrupt end to an impressive run.
The downbeat reception accorded to Funny People was daunting not only to Judd Apatow but also to the fraternity of comics that he has nurtured.
Its still unclear what impact all this will have on their careers or egos.

A WheelChair to NoWhere

One in every five people in the world is Chinese.
Chinas population is estimated to reach a whopping 1,338,612,968 by July 2009.
Chinas population is four times that of the United States.