Sunday, June 1, 2008


(photos, thanks and many thanks to a wonderful person who I have the deepest of respects and also who is a great influence to my blogging, TV Smith,.... used without his permission )

we all walked




speech & expression

Got the Badge, the cap but no tee shirt.......

.....but with respect to those who are more learned and seasoned than myself,

it was a great build we got to keep pushing......get more people involved.....

and , we did get our point across to V. Gayathry, executive director of the Centre for Independent Journalism, one of the groups who are also behind this initiative,

that they should in future engage ALL practioners of Expression and that should include, not just people who write, but also who dance, act, sing, paint, talk...etc.etc.etc

and anyone else who express themselves through artistic means and communicate that form to some one else, to get all of these people in Media & Communications to be totally come together,....

..... perhaps then.....only then.....

we can light a candle......

..... BUT before we can prosper as a nation....

.....ALL MALAYSIANS must have an equal opportunity to prosper........

To quote Franklin Delano Roosevelt....

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms :

1. the first is....

Freedom of speech & expression, everywhere in the world

2. the second is....

Freedom of every person to worship GOD in his own way, everywhere in the world.

3. the third is...

Freedom from want, everywhere in the world.

4. the fourth is...

Freedom from fear, anywhere in the world.

till then......we remain & pray.......a free Malaysia....

Zooming In on Minister Zaid Ibrahim

Photography Note:

The zoom effect is created by setting the flash to FP shutter mode and doing a flick zoom at very slow shutter speed. ( again credit to TV SMITH....used without permission )