Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Liz TAYLOR...1932-2011- Rest In Peace...

R.I.P. LIZ Taylor
1932 - 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor lived a big life. "'The more the better' has always been my motto," she once said. Indeed with three Oscars, eight marriages, 12 bestselling fragrances, and countless carats of gemstones, she was a one-woman epic, dressed for the part with towering sculptures of ebony hair and artfully blended sweeps of jewel-toned shadow. Yet despite her timeless beauty, juicy personal history, and legendary film performances, her most extraordinary role was that of a tireless fundraiser for AIDS awareness. For Taylor, living large meant giving big.

REAL STARS...You will Shine our Hearts...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Asia's Gift to The World & JAPAN...from Malaysia's "aLi", duo Roslan Aziz & Mukhlis Nor, inspired by Singaporean Nabil "Bill" Fitri...

Listen to Asia's Gift to the World & JAPAN...

Malaysia's "aLi",

comprising Duo Roslan Aziz & Mukhlis Nor, 

performing Hijau 2011...

inspired by Singaporean Nabil " Bill" Fitri...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Leftsetz on Rebecca Black, Lady Madonna, THE Lady "Gaga" & the Genius of Bob Dylan...

Oh man! Rebecca Black's "Friday" now has more YouTube views than Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" #what?!
And so does little Maria's cover of Lady GaGa's track. And she didn't even have to pay Ark Music Factory.
You see Lady GaGa and the machine, from Jimmy Iovine all the way down to the lowliest music business student, have lost the plot. Music is not about marketing, it's about conception.
"Satisfaction" came to Keith Richards in a dream. Some of the greatest music of all time was written in fifteen minutes. You see art is about inspiration, AFTER perspiration. And sometimes that perspiration isn't even practicing your instrument, but thinking. What we love is new and different, not what's come before. Lady GaGa rips off a Madonna tune and makes a video extravaganza.

Credit Madonna ( above )herself, even she knew it was not about repetition. That was Madonna's genius, she constantly confronted us with something new and different, something unexpected. The woman could barely sing, but she kept our attention. Because she knew art was not about money, but the impression. As in how does it hit the audience?
Vevo's got a problem. They call it ads. Do you really want me to sit through fifteen seconds of sell every time I want to see this rip-off GaGa track? Do you think I know I'm not paying? Do you think I'm not pissed off?
There is art in pissing people off. If it's intentional.
But if you're all about the profit, we don't believe in you.
Just like we'll line up for days and overpay to get inside the building to see our heart's desire while shows featuring production, manipulation of our wallets rather than our minds, play to empty seats.
"Friday" is so bad it's good.
The concept of a barely developed thirteen year old wanting to be a pop star is an unintentional commentary on a business mining nitwits for nickels. Tell me again about Willow Smith's life experience, that allows the tyke to be a musical star? It's the industry that foisted Willow upon the masses.
And T-Pain not only popularized auto-tune, they've auto-tuned the news to great success. Once again, this takeoff, this innovative use, was not done by the "artists" controlled by the major labels, but outsiders, with tools and insight.
As for inane lyrics, we keep hearing that is a genius.
No, Bob Dylan ( above )is a genius. is a lowest common denominator moneymaker. Why should he have a stranglehold on this paradigm?
"Friday" is an unintentional parody of modern pop music. And that's why we can't stop watching it. Because it's almost good. Stay through the entire clip and the song gets stuck in your head. It won't change your life, but it's not easy to forget.
And it's so easy to forget the market manipulations.
It's like the business has been selling soap instead of music.
It's not about excising rough edges. It's not about lining up publicity. It's about using tools, which are now cheap and prevalent, to capture lightning in a bottle.
There's more humanity in little Maria's take of "Born This Way" than Lady GaGa's. You can see right through the image inside the performer. Watching GaGa's clip you've got to penetrate the director's scrim to a woman who doesn't want to reveal her true self for fear we might not like what we see. If only GaGa threw away the costumes and just sang the song sitting at a keyboard like Maria. That would be innovative. One take, with mistakes, then we'd be interested. Instead GaGa's video is like a failed network TV show.
You don't want to believe all this. Because that means there's no map, no rules, you've got to forge your own path.
But if you get it right, you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Believe me, Rebecca Black never thought she'd become a household name
And just possibly, she'll get a few more minutes of fame.
Did you see her on "Good Morning America"?
The program is frightening. Asking Black about cyberbullying when they're bullying her themselves. All smiles, dashing for dollars, using this child to burnish their ratings. It's television at its worst. But if you stay to the very end, you'll be stunned. Rebecca Black can actually sing. Better than the aforementioned Madonna.

But singing is not enough. To truly last you've got to write. You've got to reach our hearts, change our world by letting us into yours. It's a skill which Rebecca Black hasn't got.
But neither have the rest of the nitwits on Top Forty radio.
Little Maria was built by Perez Hilton.
The people lightning the fire are no longer the mainstream.
Hell, the mainstream didn't even find Rebecca Black, the Tosh.O blog did.
We live in a new world. Word can spread overnight.
If something deserves attention
And Rebecca Black's "Friday" does.
Because it shows how hollow the mainstream music business has become.
I mean where do we go from here? How lowest common denominator can we get? Call-out research featuring a nanosecond of music? Hit songs by babies singing gobbledygook?
If you do something new and different, everybody can know almost instantly.
Ponder that.
Dr. Luke can get you on the radio, but no one wants to see you live.
But if you blow up the paradigm, people clamor to get close to you. Like Charlie Sheen. You want a piece of what he's got. How did he get so insane and yet still win?
Credit Live Nation for seeing something none of the rest of us did.
In other words, concert promoters are now more innovative than record companies. Because record companies no longer know how to sell tickets. Hell, they're not even that good at creating train-wrecks.

Rebecca Black is the future. A bolt from the sky that captures our attention.
But someday soon the track won't be tripe, but something closer to "I Want To Hold Your Hand".

Get ready.
YouTube views:
"Friday" Rebecca Black ( 29,807,978
"Born This Way" Lady GaGa ( 22,651,885
"Born This Way" Maria ( 24,393,140
Rebecca Black on "Good Morning America":
P.S. And while I've got your attention, be sure to listen to this "Bob Dylan" parody of "Friday". This is art, this keeps our attention, not GaGa repeating herself:

If you would like to subscribe to the LefsetzLetter,

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The "LADY" Gaga; Robert "Bob Dylan" Zimmerman & Bob Leftsetz....& The POWER of Artists...!!!

From: Bob Lefsetz

> To:

> Sent: Fri, March 11, 2011 2:41:32 AM

> Subject: Lady GaGa/Target

> Now that's a rock star.
 > A rock star is not someone with money who flies in a private jet.

> That's a banker.> A rock star is someone who speaks from the heart and puts her fans first. Who won't do anything for a buck. Who uses her bully pulpit to highlight injustices and lobby for change.

> Come on, in an era where everybody is greedy and handlers tell you that you can't make it without tying up with corporations GaGa leaves money on the table?

> In order to succeed in this business, for more than a few moments, you've got to stand for something more than money. Or else you're seen as a chump in the endless parade we laugh at.

> Oh, we're laughing. Don't you read TMZ? That's the Internet era. We make fun of the famous, they need attention, they were the drama queens in high school who didn't get the acclaim they deserved. And too often are of limited talent.

Meanwhile, the faceless fat cats behind them laugh all the way to the bank. The execs keep their jobs, curating the endless parade of wannabes.

> Wanna know why classic rock is classic?

Because in that era rock stars were leaders. You listened to them if you wanted to know what time it was. And they were beholden to no one but themselves, not even the label. They had contracts wherein they could record the music themselves at a location picked by them with a producer of their choice and deliver an album that the label was required to release. Those were the good old days. Before the execs started believing they were the talent.> Sure, GaGa is on Jimmy Iovine's label, but when was the last time Jimmy took a stand for anything but money? Good business breaking Beats headphones but is that what the world really needed now? No, the world needs leaders, and Jimmy is championing wannabes on "American Idol". That's heading in the wrong direction.

> Who is going to hold Wall Street and the corporations responsible?
 > They're the ones with the power. Which they've abdicated in this decade where you can do it all yourself and all they can do is complain that they're not making enough money.

> This is not the first time GaGa has taken a stand. She also voiced her opinion against the "Don't ask, don't tell." policy. And lo and behold, it was eviscerated.

> It's not about results today, it's about results eventually.
 > But everybody wants their money today.
 > It's not about that Target exclusive today, it's about your CAREER!
 > That's how you truly make money in this business. When you're no longer signed to a label, when radio isn't interested and you're supported by fans. Who keep you alive on the road, who buy your new music.

> GaGa knows who her fans is. She's been playing to her Little Monsters since Day One.

> Maybe because she's so much like them. Not classically beautiful, struggling. She didn't forget where she came from. And they love her for it.
> You want to make it? Stop complaining you can't get paid. Stop complaining how hard it is to make it. GaGa got dropped from a previous label. She struggled. It all wasn't peaches and cream.

> Meanwhile, now that GaGa's paved the way, can't some of the other artists out there take a stand? You think you're alienating people but what you're really doing is bonding your core to you, and we all know it's about the core.

Stand for something or you don't stand for anything. Pick your issues. And know that you've got power. And it's your turn to lead.

> Visit the archive:

> If you would like to subscribe to the LefsetzLetter,


That guy who said “The times they are a-changin’” really knew what he was talking about, didn’t he?

Adding to the itinerary of locations where Bob Dylan has never previously played and where we never imagined he’d someday appear in concert, that ragged counterculture bard is slated to give a performance in Vietnam next month.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Did SIMON COWELL meet Sudirman Arshad ? & The Sinitta Factor...19 March 1989- 22 years Ago Today In History

Today in History.... 19 March 1989:

The Inaugural Salem Asian Music Awards at the Royal Albert Hall, London, England

There were 4 Judges :

1. Chairman of the Judges, Peter Jamieson- who is also Chairman of the BPI - British Phonographic Industry;

2. Singer Sinitta;

3. James Fisher - European Director of collection body ASCAP;

4. Dutch-German singer C.C. Catch &

5. Prominent West End Performer Beatrice Reading

All Music Industry Heavy weights & mean feat to impress them...and Malaysia's Sudirman Arshad, Clearly Won ALL their Hearts.....;  & they ALL unanimously voted for Sudirman...

as Chief Judge , Peter Jamieson announced, "Ladies & Gentlemen.....We have a Clear Winner...and the Award goes to "Soo Dee Munn..."

Sinitta (born Sinitta Renet Malone, 19 October 1968) is an American-born actress and singer who has lived in the United Kingdom for most of her career. She is best known for her hit records in the 1980s; including "So Macho", "Toy Boy", "Cross My Broken Heart" and a 1989 cover of "Right Back Where We Started From", and her close relationship with Simon Cowell.

Sinitta was born as one of twin daughters. Her twin sister was adopted and raised by an aunt who could not have children

Sinitta spent the first six years of her life in a foster home, until her teenage mother Miquel Brown was able to cope with a child.

Sinitta is a former girlfriend and fiancée of Simon Cowell.

She also had a two-year relationship with Hollywood actor Brad Pitt during the late 1980s.

Please go here to read more about Sinitta...

Sinitta and Simon Cowell partying in the 1980s

Sinitta arrives at the New London Theatre in 1989 wearing her 'Cats' costume for a reunion of cast member

Simon Cowell in London with his mum and Sinitta recently

Sinitta today: Isn't She Lovely...She may have passed 40 but she still looks stunning

Sudirman Arshad, winner of the Salem Asian Music Awards, Royal Albert Hall, London, 19 March 1989, and He won the Title of  "Asia's Best Performer" , in no less than at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London, in March 1989 beating the Best of what Asia had to offer in terms of true bonafide Talents, unlike the run of the mill, instant noodle, reality Tv show type artists that dominate the markets today.......

Organised by Impressario, Simon Napier Bell, who had managed the Wham, the duo of George Michael and Andrew Ridgely, and was responsible for taking Wham from being a British Duo to an International Global phenomenon by getting them to perform in Communist Closed China at that time in the 80's and subsequently making them the first european or for that matter any western act to do so......and co organiser, Donovan, who was Simon's business partner.....

9 of Asia's best talents......and Sudirman Haji Arshad, Malaysia's underated 5 foot tall gift from the Almighty, beat them all to win the coveted Asia's Best Performer......

( see picture above, from left to right ) : Taiwan's Chyi Chin, China's Cui Jian, Japan's Epo, Sudirman from Malaysia, Anchalee from Thailand, Koo Chang Moo from Korea, Megastar Lesley Cheung from Hong Kong and Las Vegas based ( at that time , now based in Kuala Lumpur) Anita Sarawak representing Singapore......( Kuh Ledesma from the Philipines was not in the picture as she was late for the photo call )
Indonesia was to be represented by Harvey Malaiholo but were eliminated due to the poor anti piracy record and poor policing of the protection of Intellectual Property rights...
HISTORY was made today, 19 March 1989.......

a Malaysian was and arguably still is......Asia'sBest Performer...Malaysia's SUDIRMAN Arshad...

"As excerpted from the forthcoming Book : Sudirman Arshad, Malaysia's Best to Asia's Best, by Mr. Dunn, Manager 1987-1991- The Real Story...;
Expected to be released December 2011..."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quincy Jones Presents: Alfredo Rodriguez's US West Coast Tour, 19 through 24 March, 2011...

Thu, March 17, 2011 2:41:18 AM

Quincy Jones Presents: Alfredo Rodriguez's
US West Coast Tour

Dear ALL,

If you are going to be in the US, especially between
March 19th - 24th and are near the West Coast, try to go and catch Alfredo Rodrigues, an immensely talented and gifted Pianist;

and most of all, Endorsed & Supported by "Q" himself through Quincy Jones Productions.

Quincy Jones Productions presents: The Alfredo Rodriguez Trio West Coast Tour w/Ricardo Rodriguez & Henry Cole

Saturday, March 19, 2011
San Jose Jazz Winter
Club Regent at the Fairmont
4:00pm, San Jose, CA

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Vibrato Grill Jazz...etc.
7:30pm or 9pm
Los Angeles, CA

Wednesday, March 23 2011
Yoshi's Jazz Club
8pm or 10pm
San Francisco, CA

Thursday, March 24 2011
Kuumbwa Jazz
Santa Cruz, CA

For more information, visit

About Alfredo:

Born in Havana, Cuba, Alfredo trained at the famous Manuel Saumell Classical Music Conservatory, then at the Amadeo Roldan Music Conservatory and subsequently at the Instituto Superior de Arte. His lucky break came in 2006 when he was selected as one of twelve pianists from around the world to play at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. In Montreux, Alfredo struck a chord in legendary music producer Quincy Jones who noticed Alfredo’s immense talent and decided to begin working with Alfredo. In January of 2009 Alfredo made the difficult decision to leave his family and country behind and embark on a journey to pursue a career in music in the United States.

In his first two years since moving to the United States, Alfredo RodrĂ­guez has played to capacity crowds during the Playboy Jazz Festival at the Hollywood Bowl; the SXSW Music Festival in Austin, Texas; the Detroit Jazz Festival; the Monterey Jazz Festival; the Newport Jazz Festival; and many others. In July of 2010 Alfredo did his first European Tour with his Trio playing at XVI International Open Air Festival (Poland), Jazz a Vienne Festival (France), North Sea Jazz Festival (Netherlands), Umbria Jazz Festival (Italy), Montreux Jazz festival (Switzerland) and with the Quincy Jones Global Gumbo All Stars, a group featuring the likes of Richard Bona, Lionel Loueke, Paulinho da Costa, Francisco Mela, and Nikki Yanofsky. He has built an enormous presence in China after co-writing, with Quincy Jones, the song “Better City, Better Life”, which was chosen to be the Official Theme Song of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. He has since played to influential crowds at the 2010 Shanghai Film Festival and the 2010 Shanghai Tourist Festival. Alfredo’s debut CD is set to be released in early 2011 on Qwest Records with Alfredo’s influences from Bach, Beethoven, and Stravinsky to Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock, and Quincy Jones being displayed prominently. In his words, “Everything I learn, in all aspects of my life, contributes to my music.” In the words of Quincy Jones,

“He is very special and I do not say that easily because I have been surrounded by the best musicians in the world my entire life and he is one of the best.”

Monday, March 14, 2011

Watch Quincy Jones Receive the 2010 National Medal of Arts & National Humanities

Watch Quincy Jones Receive the 2010 National Medal of Arts & National Humanities from

" The 2010 National Medal of Arts to Quincy Jones for his Extraordinary contributions to American Music ( & the World..) as a Musician,Composer, Record Producer and Arranger.

As a master inventor of musical hybrids, he has mixed Pop, Soul, Hip - Hop, Jazz, Classical, African and Brazilian music into many dazzling fusions, traversing virtually every medium, including Records, Live Performances, Movies & Television."

President Obama awards the 2010 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal in a ceremony at the White House. March 2, 2011.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy 78th Quincy Delight Jones Jr...from Malaysia

Happy 78th Quincy Delight Jones Jr...from Malaysia

Happy 78th Quincy Delight Jones Jr...from Malaysia

HAPPY 78th Q...

Pictures Top : Quincy Delight Jones Jr at age 1....- the infamous "Booty Shot." 1934
Middle  left to right : Q's Mom Sarah, Q's Brother Lloyd and Q in Chicago 1936
Bottom : Looking out for Lloyd, Q's little brother, 1937
( Pictures taken from Q- The Autobiography of Quincy Jones, published by Harlem Moon, Broadway Books New York 2001 )

"All I know is that, on their own, human beings are not programmed to be able to handle that much fame, that much adulation, that much success.

The only way to deal with something that overwhelming -- even overwhelming success -- is if you are spiritually centered.

If you believe that you deserve all that money and adulation, that is a problem. If you believe you don't deserve it, that's also a problem. And if you don't understand this, you're in trouble.

Picture Top : Q & Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, March 2011
Photos by Mark Wilson/Getty Images

I 've been in the business 59 years and I've seen it over and over again.

It's all about trusting a higher power; believing in divinity.

Picture Top : Cover of Q's Latest CD Release "Soul Bossa Nostra"

It's about cause and manifestation. Cause being God's job, manifestation clearly being our job.

The moment success leads you to say, I'll take it from here, God, God's reply will be, Be my guest. And God will walk out of the room.

The only way to navigate that road is to have humility and grace.

Those are the two cardinal rules.

You must approach creativity with humility and have grace when you're blessed with success.

Quincy Delight Jones Jr.( as appeared in an interview Friday, 28 March, 2008 )

Thank You Q, from Malaysia...

Roslan Aziz & Dani'el Dharanee Kannan
Covenant Artists Management

All Pictures used WITHOUT permission...
All Pictures Copyright 2011 Quincy Jones Productions

Friday, March 11, 2011

Peter Guber's New Book, “Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story

The Big Picture

Patrick Goldstein and James Rainey on entertainment and media

Peter Guber preaches the Hollywood gospel: It's all about telling the right story

March 11, 2011 10:27 am

After more than 40 years in Hollywood, Peter Guber is a great pitchman.

He's been in every end of the business – he ran Sony Pictures, produced hit movies like “Rain Man” and even helped found the legendary Casablanca Records, which spawned Donna Summer and Kiss.

His current company, Mandalay Entertainment, is involved in films, TV and new media and handles a variety of sports properties, including the NBA's Golden State Warriors, which Guber and a partner bought last summer for $450 million.

But when I had lunch with him the other day to talk about his new book,
“Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story,” instead of regaling me with stories about himself, Guber launched into a 20-minute lecture about how to further my career.

“Think of an interview as a relationship, not as a transaction!” he insisted, reaching out across the table to grab my shoulder.

“Relationships are the secret sauce in the business of life.”

Let's just say Guber was so persuasive that when the interview was over, my first instinct was to go ask my editors for a big raise.

But what Guber was really doing was something else he's done for four decades--being a motivator and a teacher, something he started in the early 1970s at UCLA, where he's now a full professor at the School of Theater, Film and Television.

“Even when Peter is giving you his rap, what he really wants to do is instruct and educate,” says Dreamworks partner Stacey Snider, who at 25 landed a job as director of development at Guber's production company. “I was really his story editor, but I wanted a more serious title.

And even then, Peter told me, 'You want to be a story editor because if you know the difference between compelling ideas and trifling notions, you can put that at the end of your pole and catch a fish.

Knowing a good story will be the source of your power.'“

The two sides of Guber's personality--the charming Hollywood hustler and the earnest academic idea guy--are both on display in “Tell to Win,” which has spent much of the past two weeks atop the Amazon best seller list.

It's an odd mixture of showbiz memoir, academic tutorial and self-help manual, full of examples of the power of what Guber calls purposeful storytelling.

You might say that the book is the ultimate demonstration of the Hollywoodization of our culture, since one of its essential lessons is that every business opportunity can be boiled down to making a great pitch.

It’s especially telling that when Guber enthuses over his new basketball team, he talks a lot more about the Warriors’ “new narrative possibilities” and fans’ “emotional bond” with the team than about winning games.

“We're wired to tell stories--we have two million years of it in our DNA,” says Guber, who at 68 crackles with energy, sprinkles his speech with colorful aphorisms and doesn't have a trace of grey in his swept-back sepia-toned hair.

“Facts are great, but what we really want is a narrative. Whatever the creative endeavor, when you want to move people to action, you need a story. It's a way to let people know you're a member of the tribe from the minute you walk into the room.”

In “Tell to Win,” Guber takes us on a dizzying voyage through his showbiz and sports past, dropping names all over the place.

When Guber goes on a white water-rafting trip down the Colorado River, during which his guide offers up a fanciful story about a king of Egypt being ferried across the Nile by a crocodile, Guber is accompanied by Pierce Brosnan, Tony Robbins and “Girls Gone Wild's” Joe Francis as well as a host of top film and TV executives.

We're right there with Guber when Michael Jackson feeds a live mouse to a snake, Pat Riley takes the Miami Heat to the 2006 NBA title, Tim Burton gets Jack Nicholson to commit to playing The Joker in “Batman” and Bill Clinton, in desperate need of money during the early days of his presidential campaign, turns to Guber for fundraising assistance. (Ever grateful, Clinton provided Guber with a cover blurb for the book.)

For Guber, stories help us reimagine the world.

Or as he puts it in one of his many maxims:

“Facts give you perspiration, stories give you inspiration.”

Clinton, when he needed money to keep his campaign afloat, inspired Guber to new heights of fundraising dedication by reminding Guber of the story of the film “High Noon.” It was Clinton, in the role of Gary Cooper, against the world.

Riley tells Guber that the reason the Lakers won the 1979 NBA championship after Kareem Abdul-Jabaar was injured during the league finals was because Magic Johnson, the team's rookie point guard, took charge with a compelling story.

“I know what the problem is,” Magic told the team. “All of you guys are afraid because Kareem isn't here.

Well, I'll be Kareem.” And with that, Johnson led the Lakers to the title.

This storytelling prowess is clearly contagious.

In the book, Guber interviews his friend, New York art maven Arne Glimcher, who not only discovers new artists for his gallery but also studies them as they work to collect stories he can use to sell their pieces to his customers.

“I'm not a picture seller,” he tells Guber. “I'm a narrator.”

Of course, by that definition, even Sammy Glick was a narrator.

But that's what makes Guber's book such an intriguing read. It's full of ideas that often sound like a hustler's pitch, but also seem genuinely rooted in our craving for connection with one another.

Most of the people who populate Guber's book aren't just storytellers, but risk takers.

“Peter seeks out people who are like him, the commonality being that they love a challenge,” says Toby Emmerich, president of New Line Cinema.

“Peter loves to do things that no one thinks he can pull off, whether it was remaking Sony or buying the Golden State Warriors. It's what gets his blood going.”

Perhaps that's why Guber is so excited about owning a basketball team, even one like the Warriors, who only won 26 games last season. It's a new challenge--with a new narrative.

“And here’s the story,” he says, warming to his pitch.

“That team is really owned by the fans. Our job is to make them feel the team is worthy of their emotions.

It's a different kind of show business.

The players are live characters, actors in a different play every game. And I do with a sports team what I did with a movie. I go--here's the audience, here's the artist and I try to imagine the right story that can connect them.”

--Patrick Goldstein

Photo: Peter Guber, chairman of the Mandalay Entertainment Group.

Credit: David Carlson/Mandalay Entertainment Group


***During the week ending on Mar 6, Usher managed to surpass the 4 million mark with his song OMG, which features will i am. This is the first song of Usher’s to reach that number.

***Lady Gaga’s deal to sell a special edition of her upcoming album at Target is off.

The deluxe edition of the album, was set to be released in May, with bonus content.

But gay advocates expressed their concern about the partnership because of Target’s donation to a political candidate who was against same sex marriage.

***American Idol producers always praise each year’s finalists, but the Season 10 group is getting an early thumbs-up from viewers, too.

Show veterans credit various changes for the shiny haul: the return of executive producer Nigel Lythgoe, a larger Hollywood round and, as executive producer Ken Warwick puts it, “different judges.”


On March 11, 1997, Paul McCartney, a former member of the most successful rock band in history, The Beatles, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his “services to music.”

The 54-year-old lad from Liverpool became Sir Paul in a centuries-old ceremony of pomp and solemnity at Buckingham Palace in central London.

Fans waited outside in a scene reminiscent of Beatlemania of the 1960s.

Crowds screamed as McCartney swept through the gates in his chauffeur-driven limousine and he answered with a thumbs-up.


“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

William James

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jerry GARCIA - Authorized

Renowned documentary filmmaker Malcolm Leo and veteran personal manager John Hartmann have announced plans to produce a feature film on rock legend Jerry Garcia with the full authorization and support of The Jerry Garcia Family, LLC.
The agreement allows Leo and Hartmann to produce a documentary featuring a treasure trove of never before seen material on the life and music of Jerry Garcia.
Leo, whose credits include, “This Is Elvis”, “Heroes of Rock & Roll”, “The Beach Boys – An American Band” and “Crosby, Stills & Nash – Long Time Comin’” feature length docs, will direct the ninety minute documentary.
Hartmann, the former manager of Eagles, Peter, Paul & Mary, Crosby, Stills & Nash and America, also promoted the first Los Angeles appearances of the Grateful Dead, in April of 1967.

A Doctor in the House - The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad- Book Launch, 8 March, MPH Mid Valley Megamall

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Launch of "A Doctor In The House - The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad", at MPH, Mid Valley Megamall

Photo Right : Tun Dr. Mahathir,
"Larger than Life..."

Photo Below : Sudirman Arshad, Asia's Best Performer, Bunting, promoting the History Channel documentary on Astro channel 555.

To Sudirman, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was more than a Man...Tun was the BEST thing for Malaysia...More like GOD sent...

Photo below : The Backdrop on stage at the Foyer outside MPH, Mid Valley Megamall

Photo Below : Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, wife of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Photo Above : Datin Paduka Marina Tun Mahathir, Her Daughter & Indonesian professional photographer, Tara Sosrowardoyo, who photographed the warm, friendly & delightful Cover of "A Doctor in the House- The Memoirs of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad"

Photo Right :
Saudara Sufi, Press Secretary of Tun. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad & Datuk Ahirudin " Rocky " Attan

Photo Above: Jounalist ICON, P. C. Shivadas & Saudara Firdaus Abdullah of APANAMA

Picture above : dani'el d.k. greeting Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to get his Invaluable Autograph

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad....more than a Man...
Terima Kasih Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah....
Malaysia will NEVER be able to thank you enough....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Launch of - A Doctor In The House - The Memoirs of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad...Prime Minister of Malaysia, 1981-2003

LAUNCH of " A Doctor In The House - The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad"

Today, Tuesday, 8th March 2011...3.00 PM

MPH Bookstore Mid Valley Mall...

Tun Dr. Mahathir & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmahas viewed by Sudirman Arshad

There is nothing that I can say to justify Malaysia's Most Visionary Prime Minister...

Sudirman always told me to study Tun Mahathir, follow Tun and what He did very closely, buy all Tun's books, read all Tun's Articles & Statements...

So much so that, immediately after winning the title of Asia's Best Performer, at the Asian Music Awards at the Royal Albert Hall, London, March 1989, Sudirman dedicated his win to the people of Malaysia and to his Mentor, Tun Dr. Mahathir, and that was flashed across every newspaper the next day, front page...

To Sudirman, Tun was MORE than a Prime Minister with a Vision...

To Sudirman, Tun was MORE than a politician

To Sudirman, Tun was MORE than the Longest Serving Prime Minister...

To Sudirman, Tun was MORE than a Great Malaysian Hero...

To Sudirman, Tun was MORE than a MAN....TUN was the BEST thing for MALAYSIA...more like GOD sent...

That's what Sudirman always told me and there is more, but this is all I can recall right now...

Now in Hindsight, How right Sudirman was....

Without Tun Mahathir, there would be NO Proton, NO Petronas Twin Towers, NO KLIA, NO Formula 1, No MultiMedia Super Corridor ( MSC ), NO Knowledge Based Economy, NO 25 Minute ERL from Sentral to KLIA and the list can go on & on & on & on...

and arguably, Malaysia would NOT be so advanced as we are today....

All I can end with is how fondly Tun Dr. Mahathir & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah would refer to Sudirman as Anakanda, which means :

...anakanda (Lit.) 1 Child , son (respectful , use mostly in letters with the meaning I or you).

2. familiar form of address to young people .

Sudirman looked up to and Loved Tun Dr. Mahathir & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah tremendously...

...and they Loved Him back...

As appeared in :, Wednesday, February 23rd 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is Quincy Jones- The Greatest & Most Influential Music Producer of ALL time...???

Attention all aspiring Musicians, Artists, Rappers, Producers, Engineers...and any one who is involved in this business we call Entertainment....
BUY this album NOW and study it, if you want to know how The Greatest & Most Influential Music Producer of ALL time- son of Quincy Delight Jones Sr. & Sarah Jones; Quincy Delight Jones Jr, does it...
It is NOT by chance, that Quincy Jones Produced the Biggest Selling Album of ALL time....
Michael Jackson's Thriller....standing currently at 110 Million copies SOLD World Wide...
And it is Definitely NOT by chance that Q has worked ALL the Biggest & Brightest Artists, Stars, Talents & Personalities in Entertainment;
all the way from the 1940's - more than 70 years ago;
as diverse as Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, Clark Terry, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Lionel Hampton, Bobby Tucker, Billy Eckstine, Dinah Washington, Nadia Boulanger, Sarah Vaughan, Lesley Gore, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra, Rod Steiger, Richard Brooks, Norman Jewison, Sidney Lumet, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Alice Walker, Jesse Jackson, Sammy Davis Jr, Roberta Flack, Little Richard, Aretha Franklin, Siedah Garrett, Louis & George Johnson, B.B. King, Lena Horne, Ann Margaret, Minnie Ripperton, Donna Summer, Valerie Simpson, Nick Ashford, Luther Vandross, Patti Austin, Chaka Khan, George Benson, Herbie Hancock, James Ingram, Peggy Lee, Ringo Starr, Jose Feliciano, Paul Simon, Barbra Streisand, Al Jarreau, Manhattan Transfer, Diana Ross....
MICHAEL JACKSON.....and so many thousands more.... and that is not including Artists from Back on the Block, Q's Jook Joint and many other Albums...
It is definitely NOT by chance that Q, born in 1933 Chicago, collaborated with all of them and he has been doing it since the 1940's, and this is 2011.... that is almost 7 Decades, 70 Years.....
...if that is not reason enough......
Go buy it, if you are in this industry called Entertainment......and you will never have a better, more diverse teacher and educator...and Best of will, treasure it, timeslessly keep it, share it with all your loved ones, friends & family and most of all;
its from the "Q"...with LOVE
Q's Latest Release
Soul Bossa Nostra...
Featuring :

AMY Winehouse, Usher, Ludacris, Akon, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, T-Pain, Robin Thicke, LL Cool J, John Legend, Snoop Dogg, Wyclef Jean, Q-Tip, Talib Kweli, Three 6 Mafia, David Banner, Bebe Winans, Mervyn Warren, Jermaine Dupri, DJ Paul and Scott Storch and so Many More.....